L 9th November 2020

I was immensely sad to learn recently of the sad demise of Dr. Ajit K. Halder whom I knew back in the late 70s at Salford University, first as one of my lecturers and later on, as my MS supervisor. I have vivid memories of him as a very gentle and soft-spoken person, who showed great care towards his students.He was there for me when I needed his help and guidance, and supported me throughout my research work with him. He showed a sincere interest in his students’ work, felt a genuine joy in their successes and expressed pride in their achievements. I shall always treasure my memories of the time I worked with you and pray God to give your family great strength and fortitude to endure this irreparable loss. May God bless your soul and may you RIP Dr Halder. You may be gone from us but our memories of you will be forever with us. Che (Prof. Cheded)